Sunday, December 11, 2016


Story between the pages you don't like
So you call the editor and say that's not right
You think you know it all and you're the keeper of the light

Same words said over and over
Don't make the story true
A feeling isn't proof
Just need real news

Story going around saying your not from this town
When you live here all your life this is where you found your wife
Striving for a better community getting what every one needs

Closed eye closed mind
Controlled by the educated ego
Selling out to a bully no one is buying it
Just need real news

If it bleeds it leads
Blame the victim for dyeing on the scene
Unjust is the rule of law

If you don't have any thing good to say
You'll make it up any way with a negative spin
Got no friends but every one knows you sins
Just need real news

Blaming every one for your problems
But your the problem in the way
Clamming hidden hate is great

Your opinion maid the news today
With out any proof pigs fly with you
Same day the Pope where baseball cap
Just need real news

Who told you this
Do you really believe it?

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2016

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