Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Don't believe in dreams, don't believe in peace
How can he when thinks he has everything

We thought hate died in 1945
But it came back in white sheets and pointy hats
The fight for freedom was it worth that

Don't believe in love, don't believe that justice is for all
How can we when the system distorts these things

Reincarnation of hate returns again in 1985
Slithering through the White House doors
Infected by hate poisoning ever floor this isn't America anymore

Don't believe in kindness, don't believe in respect.
Posting your thoughts and prayers make you attention-grabbing whore
Respect is earned, you have no hair so you can't get a perm

Reincarnation of hate for you hell has no place
With you at the door puts their reputation stake
As Channy cuts the lin in front of you

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2019

Monday, September 2, 2019


I dare you to say your free
With your red hat on and not know what that means to me
Saying the exact same thing as the commander of greed
You have no originality you don't know how to think

I dare you to say your free
With your read hat on, claiming no collusion
Alone in a room with Putin what you think they were doing
Comparing the hairs on each other's chest

I dare you to say your free
With your red hat on, excluding those who are different from you
Your culture is so boring, diversity is what create great things
Hate does nothing to uplift community

I dare you to say your free
With your read hat on, repeating all the lies you heard
"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
Hitler said that your greatness represents that.

I dare you to say your free
With your read hat on, needing your gun for protection
When all it protects is fear and intimidation
You are the new slave to this administration

I dare you to say your free

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2019