Monday, October 25, 2021


Let me call you by your name
Why do pronouns have to get in the way
Can I call you a friend?
Without you being offended

Can I look at you as human?
Instead of looking at you all confused
Trying to see the real you

Let me call you by your name.
We all have a human experience in different ways.
An acronym shouldn't make the rules of my friendship with you
Claiming a few decades of discrimination does not compare centuries of racial pain 

Can I see you as human?
As you segregate yourself in social places and parades 
Selective of the attention you want isn't the way

Let me call you by your name.
We might not think in different ways
If you don't like what I have to say 
We can both go our separate ways

©Copyright Thomas J Dooley 2021

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