Thursday, April 30, 2020


Something is in the air some don't even care
The doors are locked the windows are closed
What does tomorrow hold

Sitting still as the sitar sounds
Hear the meditated reverberations all around
Now go inside and remember the silence

As the soul moves on as the love stays behind
Looking to the knowledge at this time
What does tomorrow hide

Sitting still as Ravi makes the sitar sing
Feel the meditated reverberations all around
Only inside we remember the silence

The days move by so slow not sure where to go
Some entranced by words of the uneducated mind
Praying for the resurrection of peace at this time

Sitting still as a lotus as the sitar rings
See the meditated reverberations of the soul
Everything you will find when you remember the silence

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020


In the fog is a lonely place to be
When the sun comes out it will warm you and me
Above the trees out in the sky, there is more we need

Promised love
Come down from above
Promised love
Might feel like it comes and goes
It is unconditionally apart of the soul

Romance is just a selfish act of man
There is so much more than a touch of a hand
When things get hot can't cool things with a fan

Promised love
Everywhere for every one
Promised love
Let it shine from the eyes it will not lie
With purity no way it will ever hide

Like a song from the heart, it is strong
Moving us from this feeling of pride, it just feels so right
It is not a possession that the ego controls there is so much more

Promised love
Some times it is taken advantage of
Promised love
A word that sweetens the air
From the eye removing the sad salt from every tear

Feel the word roll off the tongue pass the lips
Let everyone hear it with the feeling of bliss
More than a hug more than a kiss say the word it's love

Promised love
A phrase from the knowledge page
Promised love
Words mused by the purple omens
Listen to this love note

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


No discrimination from girl to boy
Lavender and peach nothing you ever need
Like I said it is you I want to hold
If you had everything would you still like me

Dorothy, she got the counsel and education is the foundation
This noise is louder than equality that is always free

No discrimination from woman to man
Cheating creation just because you think you can
Now you got more problems than anyone should have
Life isn't all that bad and not ever tear from your eye is sad

Michelle, she got the books anyone can read
Loving that family man better than one woman can

No discrimination from brown to beige
Got no education you let them know your name
Fact and fiction got no description now it is the deception
A question is an insult when you got no intelligent answer

Gail, she got the voice girl you got to make that noise
Known by that one letter optimism gets so much better

No discrimination from culture to tradition
Don't like what you are given when your think life isn't worth liven
Greed is the only thing the ego eats when the mind isn't free

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020


Is the wall to high
I will never know if I don't try climb
Do I crawl or just lay here and die
All of my problems are in my mind

Yusra walked into my life with her Parisian sweetness
She told me her struggles, I told her mine
Can only feel comfortable in the light

Walking this life alone with so much noise
So much to do so much to prove that is if I am in the mood
Form the radio comes that lavender song
It makes your inspiration so strong

Yusra walked in with that Arabian sent in my travels I will never forget
She is exotic and beige there isn't any more I can say
Her beauty in the pages my mind she is a centerfold

Life might have its problems and some times we stumble
The meaning of your name survives all the challenges

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2020


Can't demand creativity to magically appear
It just doesn't rain the right conditions have to be in the air
Original thought comes 30 seconds later from the heart

So much complication a created sensation
So much noise when everyone wants to have a voice

Ask me what I think, you might not like what you hear
But you forgetting me is what I fear the feeling has been there for years
That is in the past, and I chose to burn that bridge and dry up those tears

So much complexity in understanding humanity
So much commotion can't believe everything I am told.

Out of the quarantined mind, I will survive
Finding so much more to life without much time
Looking forward to when *the rainbow children rise

So much involvement only one has the ingredients
So much agitation from one voice making so many contradiction

Can't answer a question got no answers your insults are just dumb
So many much smarter than you but you think you know what to do
They all pander to you know you the only fool in the room

So much thought goes into it got to write that down before I forget
So much content to lazy to collect and organize it

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2020

*The Rainbow Children by Prince PRN

Monday, April 13, 2020


What is normal?
A state of being comfortable.
I never consistently felt comfortable
Not here not anywhere

What is normal?
A standard of being consistent with what is trendy
The mom who wares yoga-pants to the mall pushing an empty stroller
No one even stairs

What is normal?
A state of being free from a physical or mental disorder
Who collects the rent for this cerebral room I am in
No longer the owner of my own thoughts

What is normal?
A state of being on a surface that measures to the degree of the one after it
The complicated structure just to control the atmosphere 
This place, this room, this chair who is really sitting hear

What is normal?
A state of being close to you when I am only six feet away
Something wrong with you and me that we can't see
The new normal is all that anyone can say

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020


Wondering why, what is it I don't know
Living in this war of the souls
Regret in my mind all a wasted time

A message of knowledge from the light
No more night while living this life
Hear the call of the time

Fortune of man comes and go when connected with the ego
Without the service of the mind, it is wasted dust to the side
Claiming attention dose nothing for the soul

A message of knowledge from the light
No more night while living this life
Hear the call of the time

A contradiction of messages just for the attention
Corona the cats have nine lives,  pushing all the truth to the side
This all you will be known for it does nothing for anyone's soul

A message of knowledge from the light
No more night while living this life
Hear the call of the time

*A great negative force is reaching its peak...
It is very easy to become confused and even frightened
A positive turning towards peace is what we all need.

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2020

*From the booklet FEELING GREAT by Dadi Janki
Published by BKIS


Wednesday, April 8, 2020


The experience you just had
Has more value than any wealthy man

Dear Sister
Love is found in one tear from your eye
Your service to the one will never be done
A smile from your eye is bright as the sun

The story continues in you and all that you do
Sadness is for a short time but love is for a lifetime

Dear Sister
Surrendered to love now you know where it comes from
Living it unconditionally what more could you ever need
The only way to be free is peace, love, and purity

 As a yogi child, there is much more than what is in the eyes
Love is the binding aspect of peace and it is what we need

Dear Sister
The drama has the mind in a knot the knowledge will bring back the light
Got to be a soul just to take hold of all the joy
Look in a clean mirror to see how this was never a dream

Knowing the world has changed happiness is what you have to give today
*You are apart of the never-ending story

©Copyright 2020 Thomas Dooley

*quote from Dadi Janki
from the book I Know How To Live I Know How To Die by Neville Hodgkinson
Photo Credit: Brahma Kumaris