Wednesday, October 2, 2024


What has happened over these past years
No one wants to face their fears crying with dry tears
Claiming biology and gender a mith
Who made up all this?

Mental delusion
Who are you fooling
What are you proving

I am who I am without any titles 
I am one man that is my community
I do not have the time or energy to be anything else
With all my inner flaws I keep them to myself  

Mental delusion
Cutting in the biological line
This is not the fight for equal rights

Who are you, are you human?

©Thomas J. Dooley 2024


Calling me boss 
    Does that make more of a man

Do I have a higher qualification than you?
Are you in my employ?
Why did you grant me such a status?

Are you calling me a boss
    Does that make you less of a person?

Is you three-fifth man?
Compromise with a pen in hand
Banneker letters caused him to have carpel tunnel

Why do you call me boss
    Do you need direction or can't make your own decisions

What is the purpose of a word that puts you in a lower class?
Is it a nice way to call me white trash?
My education and the status of my degree does not say that

Don't call me boss
    It sounds like your loss

That word was chosen to hide the domination of racism
It lurks within the context and tone 
If it was 400 years ago would you be calling me master.

Don't call me boss

Call me friend or call me brother

©Thomas J. Dooley 2024  

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


What is this, I feel? Something so different something so real
Always searching for that path for that plan
Feeling the warm air and the smell of a Caribbean sea.

I want to think of you as you think of me
I want to dream of you as you dream of me
I want to pack up my past and  pray these memories will last

Feel the innocent touch of your hand
Reminisce of the warm breeze in Belize

What is this feeling that has eluded me most of my life
Always looking for that inspiring guiding light 
Laying back to look at a clear blue sky

I want to look in your eye and see that same sky.
I want to feel that warm sun beaming around your silhouette.
I want to taste that sweet fruit and imagine it is a kiss from you.

See the night sky, the bright stars, nothing like the ones in your eyes.
Just like the night sky in Belize

Copyright © Thomas J. Dooley 2023

Thursday, October 27, 2022


Complex stories are hidden in the past
Nearly forgotten in this journey of life
A pronoun shaved down to a one-letter acronym
When said, it is sharp as a knife

Dark pages of forgotten history
Taking offense through white tears
Dark pages of remembered history
Responsibility is hidden by unspoken fears

Praising a patriotic phrase only for political gain
Then become empty words spoken from a podium
But when spoken with passion on the streets
The evidence of true justice we all hope to see

Dark pages of common sense
A knock at the wrong door can lead to death
Dark pages of uncommon words
Uncommon thoughts lead to an uncommon world.

We march behind an acronym BLM just so as not to offend
But it should be shouted out loud BLACK LIVES MATTER
This banner proclaiming justice for one is proclaiming justice for all 
It does not matter who created this; what matters is that we all believe in it

Dark pages of thought
Original though lost in a social media post
Dark pages of education
No more will we hear the cracking sounds of opening a new book

The gentrification of our human existence with labels
With the cut of the scalpel, we can be anything
Stitched together, forget our original birth
No longer the same; your mother only knows you by a dead name.

©Copyright Thomas J Dooley 2022

Saturday, October 30, 2021


The times are changing the times are getting crazy
The vision of many are getting hazy
Believing the random thought of one's imagination

How many lies do we believe before we see the truth?
While many yell and screen looking like a fool
Karen, this does not have to be you.

Fallowing another man's lie 
But you pray to God every night
How are those things alike

How many times have you played Rushen Roulette with your life
It is better to feel sick for a day
Then it is to lay a week at death's doorstep

The chicken nuggets you eat are programmed to track you
While on the cell phone, you watch housewives acting like fools
As you use pronouns to offend so why do you pretend

How many have to die because of the selfishness you hide
You have no community pride living a patriot lie
Threat to kill because of your ignorance as you act all innocent 

The right to choose offends you now you want to change the rules.

©Cpoyright Thomas J Dooley


Monday, October 25, 2021


Let me call you by your name
Why do pronouns have to get in the way
Can I call you a friend?
Without you being offended

Can I look at you as human?
Instead of looking at you all confused
Trying to see the real you

Let me call you by your name.
We all have a human experience in different ways.
An acronym shouldn't make the rules of my friendship with you
Claiming a few decades of discrimination does not compare centuries of racial pain 

Can I see you as human?
As you segregate yourself in social places and parades 
Selective of the attention you want isn't the way

Let me call you by your name.
We might not think in different ways
If you don't like what I have to say 
We can both go our separate ways

©Copyright Thomas J Dooley 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021


Within and without in a place to understand what is it all about
Who am I when under all the lies from your lips and from mine
Secluded to the hill, I climb to the top to find what is inside

My space outside is the distance of life; infinite distance is inside.
This maze of the mind, this maze of life held in the hands of time
Never knowing what is beyond the turns, I will find

The guru says many words of truth and many words of lies.
What we think we are and what we think we have become, we hide
Throughout the world, we search for what has always been inside

My space outside is the distance of life; infinite distance is inside.
In my baggage, I collect many things that I have gathered over time. 
Collecting things will not make me free I have to understand the truth of me.

©Copyright Thomas J Dooley 2021